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Home | | | Bio | | | MEMBER ART | | | MEMBER INFORMATION PAGE | | | ART IN THE YARD | | | CHILD/YOUTH ART CLASSES | | | ADULT ART CLASSES | | | ART & GARDEN SHOWCASE | | | Events | | | Guestbook | | | Links | | | Contact |
Meetings will be the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of month for 2024
except for July, August and December
At 189 York Street, Strathroy.
New members are always welcome to join, however in case there are last minute changes to our schedule, we ask you to let us know ahead of time if you would like to pop in and visit us.
If you are feeling unwell, we ask that you stay home until symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours. If you have a respiratory illness (such as a cough, cold, stuffy nose, etc.), we request you wear a mask until symptoms have subsided, even if your symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours.
Payments may be made by e-transfer to theartgroupstrathroycaradoc@gmail.com
Please note the reason for your payment in the Message Box
e-mail : theartgroupstrathroycaradoc@gmail.com
website : www/theartgroupstrathroy.com
Facebook : https//www.facebook.com/strathroyartgroup